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Keyword Research Strategy that Actually Works

Do you want to know how to do keyword research for SEO with a new method? In this article, we will show you how to do keyword research for SEO by using new technology. But before doing that we have to know what is keyword research and why it is important.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is a practice used by SEO experts to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. Search engine optimization experts research keywords in order to achieve better rankings for their desired keywords. So besides the definition of what keyword research is, it’s far more important to understand how to do keyword research for SEO and why it is important to your online business. I like to think of keywords as being the foundation of content creation.

When you do some research and find keywords related to your business, you can use those in so many ways to build up your business. For instance, when you do proper keyword research, you can use the keywords for all sorts of things like pay-per-click campaigns, article marketing, blog posts, forum marketing, press releases, video marketing and so much more.

Now that’s kind of the ‘basic idea of what you do with keywords. Let’s take it a step further in what’s really happening online today. Every single minute of every single day, people are searching the Internet looking for solutions to their problems. If your products or services solve their problems, you’re halfway there. The real trick is you want to be right there in front of them at the exact moment they are searching for a solution to their problems. That’s the big picture of keyword research.

Now the Question What is a Keyword?

Search engines heavily rely on keywords to decide which sites it includes in search results. Ensuring that your site is using keywords effectively can result in a greatly improved search rating. However, this is a double edged sword as overusing keywords, especially when they have little to do with the content of your webpage, can result in your site being excluded from search results. As you may have gathered already, using keywords is not a simple task. Luckily for those who aren’t capable of doing this job for themselves, there are professionals who specialize in what is commonly called ‘search engine optimization or SEO.

Why Keyword Research is important?

Let’s say you’re in the weight loss industry and your product helps someone lose weight by following a specific system that uses water (this is just an example and completely made up). You want to find the keywords that are associated with losing weight with water, so when someone actually types in ‘how do I lose weight with the water method’, you’re right there. You’re the first listing on the first page and you have the exact solution that they’re looking for. That’s the idea. It’s important to understand that if you’re not there, your competitor will be. They will get the sale, they will get the customer for the long haul (assuming their product works) and you’ve lost out on a chance to build a long-term relationship with your customer.

how to do keyword research for seo with new technology

Now, of course, this isn’t a ‘do or die’ type situation where if you’re not on the first page of the search rankings you’re never going to make a sale, but I think you get the idea. Smart marketers who target the right keywords will make the sales while the other marketers who don’t know which keywords to target will be left wondering what’s going on. Obviously, not every traffic generation strategy out there today relies on keyword research, but a good amount of them do. Take the time to do proper keyword research for SEO and your business will thank you for it down the road.

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Heads of Keyword Research:

Before we start to research keywords, we have to explain the most common terms you’ll run over in this guide. It will make easier for you to understand the different term of the keyword research strategy.

Keyword: A word or series of words client goes into a web search so as to discover important relevant data.

Organic Search:  All search result are based on relevance to the search terms which are not paid promotions.

Paid Search: All search result which is a display for paid advertisement.

Search Volume: The average number of keyword searches in the last 12 months.  This measurement builds up how famous keywords are.

Phrase Match: A variety of a keyword that shows up when somebody scans for an exact keyword or variation of it.

Keyword Difficulty:  How many users already bid for the given keyword. Also, it is the gauge of how much difficult to rank a keyword. It tallies from 0{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64}-100{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64}. In this 0 is exceptionally simple to rank and 100 is an excess of difficult to rank.

Related Keywords: Various keywords that identify with your topic. For example: “affordable SEO package” is related to “cheapest SEO package”

Results: The number of URLs showed in organic search for a given keyword.

Various Types of Keywords:

There are various types of a keyword which will help you with your client’s journey. We separate keywords in two different ways.

By Keyword length:

There are three kinds of keywords in this segment:

  1. Head Keyword
  2. Body Keyword
  3. Long Tail Keyword

Head Keyword:

Head keywords generally contain a single word explain a topic a user searching for, for example, “dress”. They are generic and normally don’t recognize what the visitors truly searching for. Despite the fact that they get lots of traffic. But the disadvantage is that it is very little opportunity for conversation.

Body keywords:

Body keywords expand the head term with extra data for example “women dress” or “men dress” yet can at present be very generic.

Long Tail keywords:

Long-tail keywords explain what the client’s searching for in extraordinary detail for example “long sleeve dress for women” and are normally utilized via searchers who are hoping to purchase.

By purchasing Intensity:

The other method of categorizing keywords is by their purchasing intensity. There are 4 kinds of keywords in this classification:


Users utilize these keywords to discover information and answers to their questions. You can perceive informative keywords by including the words “how-to”, “where”, “when”.


Clients normally utilize these keywords to discover a business area or contact information. Frequently these keywords incorporate only a brand or organization’s name like “Rank Trends”.


These keywords help clients to compare and research before purchasing any product or service. They may incorporate words like “best”, “top 10”, “review” and more (for example “best SEO company”, “top 10 hockey shoes”, “best hockey shoes review” ).


These types of keywords clients would use to discover items they need to buy. These keywords generally incorporate terms like “purchase”, “buy “, or “cheapest”, “price” and so on.

Preparation before Start Research:

Before start Research, you have to take some preparation. Especially, it’s time to decorate your browser with including some important “Google Chrome add-on extension”.

1.    Keyword Everywhere:

It is a paid keyword research tool. It will give you the keyword idea from different places around the web. First, you have to install it on the Google Chrome extension to take this kind of opportunity.  After install, you have to sign up to get a free API key. Copy this API key from your mailbox and paste it into the setting section of this tool.

2.    SEOquake:

It is also a free keyword research extension tool. It helps to find keyword difficulty.

3.    Moz Bar:

It helps to analyze your competitor’s domain and page authority. As well as you can analyst your competitor’s backlinks.

What Do We do for  Successful Keyword Research for SEO?

Successful online marketing is dependent on keyword research. While doing keyword research for SEO is not really difficult it is one area that will help you increase your traffic online. Here are 4 important tips to understand how to do keyword research for SEO.

1) Understand Your Customer:

Before making a plan to build a keyword list, you have to understand who your customers are and what they are finding when searching online for products or services. As well as you may make a list of your customer question. It may also help to discover potential search queries to better identify with your clients. For example:

  • How to fix the SEO issue?
  • How to do keyword research for SEO?
  • Who is the best SEO expert?
  • What is the best SEO service company?
  • What is digital marketing?

To discover question-related keywords, you can use answer the public SEO tools. It helps to find relevant question-type keywords.

how to do keyword research for seo with answer the public tools

2.    Make a List of Your Customer Questions:

This kind of keyword is the best which comes from your readers themselves. A long time back, it was hard to discover them, however, at this point, you have many alternatives available to you. Here are two diverse approaches to discover queries that your readers are asking so you can separate extra keywords.


Faqfox is a helpful tool that can be utilized to enhance keyword ideas. According to a keyword, you enter, the tool will scrape a list of strings on different forum discussions and aggregators. To begin with, enter a keyword in the first content box. At that point, you can either enter a forum discussion site or pick one of a category of starter sites to search.

When you click on one of these categories, URLs of relevant forums and subreddits will be added to the second text box consequently. If you can’t find a suitable category, pick generic which will search all the popular sites, for example, Google Answer, Yahoo Answer, Quora, and more.

When you click the search button, you’ll get a huge list of string titles (with referral links) relevant to your keyword. With this list, you can begin choosing keyword phrases and full inquiries that your readers have just asked in different forum sites:

how to do keyword research through faq fox tool

You can make huge threads from the result in the above. For example:

  • Why am I losing weight
  • Why am I losing weight but eating more
  • Weight loss tips
  • Why cannot lose weight

These are potential keywords to focus on future substance.

Q & A Sites:

Another technique I’ll depict here to discover questions from your readers is by going on the Q & A website. For example, Quora:

Quora is most likely the greatest, yet there are more question and answer websites you could use for research:

Because Q & A sites are generally more helpful than forum sites for keywords research is that not normal for discussions, which are requested by the last answer, Q & A websites have a program to demonstrate your mainstream content, over a wide span of time. The initial step is to enter your fundamental niche into the primary search box.

how to do keyword research for seo with quora

Utilize the filter on the left to narrow down the outcomes to topics. Topics are essentially accumulations of the considerable number of questions in a specific niche. You can pursue the topic, which will make it simpler to follow new questions later on. Or on the other hand, you can simply tap the link to the fundamental topic until further notice.

When we click “what is the best weight loss diet”; which is a lot of topics, it gave me some categories to choose from. Directly from these category sneak peeks, you would already be able to discover a couple of good keywords.

how to do find more keyword with quora

3.    Analyze Your Competitor’s Winning Keywords:

Because your rival is accomplishing something doesn’t mean you have to. The equivalent goes for keywords. Because keywords are vital to your rival, doesn’t mean it’s imperative to you. In any case, understanding what keywords your rivals are trying to rank for is an incredible method to enable you to give your list of keywords another assessment.

In the event that your rival is positioning for specific keywords that are on your rundown, as well, it certainly bodes well to take a shot at improving your positioning for those. Moreover, don’t disregard the ones your rivals don’t appear to think about. This could be an extraordinary open door for you to claim a piece of the pie on essential terms, as well.

Also, analyzing a competitor’s winning keyword is the method of evaluating how the top rankings fare with regards to the most essential SEO factors, including their utilization of targeted keywords. The objective is to get an all-encompassing perspective on what you’re facing and where your chances are.

Steal your competitor’s keyword by using paid tools like SpyFu, Similar Web, and KeywordSphy. As well as you can use free tools like SEMrush.

spyfu competitor keyword research tool

Here is an example of SpyFu competitor’s keyword research.

Discover indexing and ranking data from Google. It is another method to discover your competitor’s keyword. To discover indexing and ranking data write into search boxes like this “site:example.com” or “site:www.example.com”.

google search indexing date for steal competitors keyword

4.    Analyze the Keyword:

When you have a reasonable thought of precisely who your clients are, it’s an ideal opportunity to do keyword research and discover keyword phrases that will bear some significance with searchers. There are numerous SEO tools that can help with your keyword research. Such as:

5.    Use Long Tail Keywords:

Using long-tail keywords is a good SEO strategy. Long-tail keywords, whether they happen to be related to a business, are typically a three to the five-word search phrase, though they can be a long and highly specific search term. These phrases can be relatively broad or extremely narrow, as internet users seek relevant content when searching for information, products, and services. Google and Bing search bots index website information including Meta and on-page content, and when users enter search phrases, the engines subsequently display their search results allowing users to navigate to the relevant pages (SERP). This type of keyword gets less search traffic but it will help to get a higher conversion rate.

use long tail keyword for top ranking


How to do Keyword Research for SEO Right and Professional Way?

How to do keyword research for SEO right and professional way? this is a common question which is come from our readers. I have discovered a new method to do keyword research in the right and professional way. The technics are given below:

Step 1: Choose a Topic:

First, you have to choose a topic which you want to write about. This topic has to be relevant according to your niche. For instance, my niche is digital marketing.

Step 2: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO Using Tool:

To know how to do keyword research for SEO using tools, read this part carefully. First, open your keyword research tool and put your keyword idea into the search box. For instance, I am utilizing the paid SEMScoop tool and write “how to make money online” into the search box. After the search, I have got 577 keyword ideas instantly. Here is the image of this tool.

how to do keyword research with semscoop tool

Here you can discover some features like CPC, exact search volume, keyword seasonality, keyword difficulty, advanced link profile, top 10 competitors ranked article, content quality score, content length, domain age, and domain authority, and more.

Especially this keyword metrics data will tell you exactly how many backlinks you need and how much content you need to rank up for a particular keyword.

If you buy the SEMscoop keyword research tool from our affiliate link, then you will get an extra bonus from us. 

  1. Yoast Premium Plugin $89 
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But before buying you have to confirm you use our affiliate id 694999. After purchase sends us the transaction id and your confirmation email. 

However, go to the main point. Here is the detailed clarification of the terms you need to follow of this tool:

Long-Tail Keywords:

Figure out how to search and discover huge long-tail keywords that can produce more traffic.

SERP Analysis:

Discover keyword difficulty, domain and page age, average referring domain, estimated content length required to rank, top search result, link profile, content analysis, and social engagement, and more all instantly.

keyword research and content analysis for ranking

Exact Search Volumes:

keyword research and examination are fundamental to the proceeded with the accomplishment of your SEO goals. Get exact keyword data in a moment.

Organize, Group and Export:

Begin creating better outcomes by grouping your endeavors into a project list for later extractions.

Keyword Difficulty:

The exact time figuring for the keyword difficulty score gives you a chance to center your SEO attempt and empowers you to write content about keywords that will truly rank. Save additional time by removing keywords that are less chance to rank.

Going for the correct scope of rivalry for your site or blog will give you the edge in creating content that ranks on the search engines the first page, in this way producing more traffic.

Advanced Links Profile:

Realize precisely how many backlinks you’ll have to do to get ranked on Google’s first page. Analyze your rivals’ top backlinks and spot feeble ones so you can fill the gap and climb the rank stepping stool.

Discover the average referring domains for every ranked page for any keyword with a single tick. Effectively set up your content and link plan as needs are.

advanced link profile analysis with semscoop tool

Content Quality Score:

The less content quality score the challenge has, the more possibility you need to deliver better content and give genuine incentive to your readers. SEMScoop’s tools uncover an estimate for the required content length to rank on Google’s first page.

Get immediate bits of knowledge for targeted keywords and utilization on your rivals’ ranked pages so you can properly optimize your content to emerge according to Google.

content quality score analysis with semscoop tool

Step 3: Analysis The Keyword Terms:

The keyword is a huge search volume having 246k volume and keyword difficulty is 49{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64}. After analyzing all of this data, It implies that the keyword is extremely difficult to rank. It requires such a large number of effort to rank on the top page.

Since tools show just estimate difficulty for a keyword, not 100{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} accurate. That is the reason we will physically check the keyword difficulty for this keyword. Just as to discover the scope for that keyword.

Step 4: Physical Analysis with Google:

Now open your Google Chrome browser and search that keyword to know more about that keyword. I am utilizing the keyword “how to make money online” to give you a case of the complete guide for keyword research.

After putting the keyword in the Google search box, we found these outcomes.

how to do keyword research with google search

You can see that the 1st outcome is from “Save The Student” then from “Ryrob”, “Dollar Sprout”, “Struggle”, “Entrepreneur”, “Forbes”, and “Make a Website Hub” separately. Every one of these websites is a high domain authority in ”how to make money online”. Each site has huge backlinks and 45+ domain authorities with huge links to that particular page, exception “Struggle”. That is the reason you need to proceed next keyword or find the new keyword.

In any case, if you discover websites in Google search for a keyword having nearly similar data with your site. At that point, you can pick that keyword for your site. There is a great option that will rank for you. To rank for that keyword you need to improve from your rivals. So visit their website or use the “SEMScoop” tool and found their weak point and make your page better from them.


You can exploit your effectively utilized keywords on your site to discover new ones. You can discover the right keyword difficulty and level of competition for your site to discover new keywords from them. Check your positioned and unranked keywords to get the idea.

But to collect the right keywords, you have to use a great tool to do keyword research.

Still now if you did not understand how to do keyword research for SEO, hire a Rank Trends SEO service company. We will help you to discover profitable long-tail keywords within a short time. Also, we offer an affordable SEO package for our valuable readers. So, you can take our service if you need.

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  • zovre


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  • Hori


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  • Hori


    good article very useful.

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