Block - C, Road - 21, Section - 12, Mirpur, Dhaka.

How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh

Setting up a successful online business is an absolute dream come true for most of us living in Bangladesh as every month thousands of people search the query how to earn money online in Bangladesh on the internet.

As unemployment is a big problem in our country or anywhere in the world, so government influences people to start their own businesses. But creating a physical business isn’t child play. Moreover creating a physical business needs lots of investments, as well.

That is why starting up an online business is the best possible way left today. When you will start earning online, it will not only facilitate you with a passive monthly income but also you would be able to spend more time with your family & friends and live a happy prosperous life.

But setting up this kind of online business isn’t a simple job. You need to brainstorm a bit as to how you are planning to help people online and in return favor; it will start making financial profits on your side. In this article, I will try to share some simple online income strategies which could be possible from Bangladesh. But before going to discuss deeply how to earn money online in Bangladesh, first, let me tell you a little about myself… 

Who Am I?

This is Md. Yousuf Ali, is an entrepreneur, SEO expert, and web design & developer who is studying & analyzing this online industry for about 7 years.

Personally, I had to invest loads of “Time & Money” for exploring how to start an online business in my country, Bangladesh. But, I wasn’t sure where to start! 

So, I have gone through lots of online income strategies; did all of that residing in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I had to go through every obstacle which an average Bangladeshi citizen faces when he/she wants to start an online business. The first of the obstacles which I had to face was the online payment methods; for which I had to research a lot.

Guess what!!!

I managed to get a personal PayPal account for myself. After a while, I upgraded my PayPal account to a business one. Also, I opened a Payoneer account and applied for Payoneer Debit MasterCard. Having these payment methods with me; gave me little strength.

Then I started purchasing e-books, and online courses and registered for membership sites where I was getting groups of online business experts. Having these people around me; gave me the courage to take some crucial steps to start a couple of different online businesses.

How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh:

I am going to tell you some simple online earning opportunities in Bangladesh in this article. Because, I am guessing, only newbies or beginners of this country; will search for “how to earn money online in Bangladesh”. Isn’t that right! obviously!

As in the beginning, I searched on Google like that. I even searched for “How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh Without Investment”.

So, let’s start with that…

1 Gets Paid to Click Ads:

This is a no-brainer. I’ll just tell you the steps-

  • At first type on Google, “click and earn money in Bangladesh” or “earn money online in Bangladesh by typing”.
  • That’s how you will get some websites on the first page of Google. Among them, check some of the websites and sign up/register on those; with which you feel comfortable. These registrations are nothing but your name, email, password, etc.
  • After completing registration, you will be directed to your account dashboard on that website. Obviously, you don’t know how to work on that platform, so search for the tutorial/instruction; somewhere on the dashboard.
  • Okay, even if you’ve understood the instruction somehow, my suggestion is to look for a tutorial on YouTube. That’s how you will be better guided for free!

You should also check “how to earn money online from home” as I wrote the article and created the Video Course completely with lots of pictures & examples…


2 Online Survey Job in Bangladesh:

Here, you will be paid for doing online surveys for various companies like my survey. These companies need a real human point of view for their products/services. So you should submit your opinion with full integrity (honesty). Since your opinion helps these companies to develop.

That’s why your survey site will rank you higher and they’ll provide you with expensive surveys. So, my suggestion is that you should research a bit about the survey topic on Google (if don’t know anything about it). Don’t do fake answers; it will only De-rank you. It will lead you to low income or even worse; the bane from the survey website. From here you will be informed about the difficult ones but the real ones.


3 Freelancing:

I don’t know why a newbie thinks he/she could start earning online by freelancing. It’s just common sense! As you need to register yourself on a freelancing website to get a job, so obviously you need to be an expert on any particular skill. Think for a while, why would those freelancing websites recommend you to their clients or why would anyone pay you if you don’t know anything!

After all, you are a beginner, it’s obvious that you don’t know anything and you must be trained on a particular skill first. Let’s think of a scenario, you heard from someone that if you could work for an SEO job on freelancing sites then you could earn $500 to $1000 a month.

Do you think it’s that simple? Would you pay anyone $500 for your website’s SEO work if you see the applicant has no experience yet? Remember, an SEO could take your website towards a certain level from where you will be earning $100 per month up to the next year or even more. That is why you could invest $500 to earn about $1200 up until the next year which will be around $700 profit.

So, you can understand there is no chance for a newbie to start earning from freelancing without any training. Training is a must! You have to get a mentor or an institute to train yourself first. They will teach you your desired skill and will guide you in your freelancing journey. As I know, Rank Trends is the best for online SEO training in Bangladesh. So, you can learn SEO online while sitting from your home Therefore, if you are a beginner & want to start a freelancing journey, then very first, you have to improve your skill.


4 Google Ads on Your Blog

This is hard work, I tell you. To monetize your blog, you have to apply for Google AdSense.

In order to get a handsome earning through this strategy, you should know how to get 500 to 1000 visitors per day to your website.

From my analysis, if you are getting 15,000 – 30,000 visitors a month to your blog then you could earn $150 per month.

Now let’s do the calculation-

  •  If your ads CPC (Cost Per Click) is $0.10,
  •  And your blog CTR (Click Through Rate) is 5{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64},
  •  Then it will be 30,000*5{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64}= 1,500 visitors a month
  •  So your income should be 1,500*$0.10= $150 a month.

Therefore, to get 1000 visitors every day to your blog article, you must learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for gaining Google’s organic visitors to your blog.

From here my suggestion is that, get trained for an advanced-level SEO course or find an experienced SEO expert; who will guide you all the way. Remember, SEO is not something that you can learn only by completing a course. It’s a continuous learning process. You have to be connected with some SEO experts. So, for Google AdSense income; learn SEO first.


5 Social Media Management Platform:

Nowadays, everybody’s available on various social media platforms. But very few know how to maintain it professionally. And that’s where you get a chance to earn online as you could manage other businesses’ social media platforms from the comfort of your home and get paid for it.   

You must know that businesses get massive online exposure when it is superbly active on FacebookLinkedInTwitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, etc. So if you can learn how to create and maintain business pages on social media platforms then you can build an online business with this strategy.


6 Write Article for Other Website:

If you have brilliant writing skills then you could earn a good deal by writing articles for other websites. As we know Content is King, so in this strategy, you can earn by creating Content aka articles for websites. Remember your written articles should be that much interesting so that readers get glued to read the content. Your written article should portray that the content is not only beautiful but also knowledgeable. You can always develop your writing skills by researching online.

You can submit a gig on Fiverr where you could sell your written articles. So, writing articles for online income requires a passion for writing content.


7 Web Design and Development:

Nowadays, everything and everyone is getting digital. Every business organization or company wants to grow its business on the digital platform. They want to have their own website by their business name. These companies look for expert web designers who could build them mind-blowing websites to enrich their online presence.

So, if you know how to build websites with WordPress then you could earn $500 to $1000 for building a basic WordPress website. The amount I mentioned is a low amount for this kind of job. You can build a professional website with WordPress. But you need to be highly trained for it and have massive experience in building websites with WordPress.

As no company will hire an inexpert web designer, so you need to get advanced-level training and personal experience to build websites with WordPress. Though it’s difficult to work still it has the potential to build a regular online income from Bangladesh.


8 Translator for Online Income:

If you know many languages then you can earn from the internet. There are many websites that are willing to pay just for language translation. This is how you can make $5-$10 per day. So, if you know 2 to 3 languages then it’s an easy job for earning online. You can visit Gengo.

You just need to register your profile on these websites and complete the tasks which will be given. You can always get paid with various payment methods. But the best way to get paid online is by PayPal transfer. But if you don’t have a PayPal account then you can open one by visiting PayPal Account from Bangladesh.


9 Affiliate Marketing:

Personally, I like this affiliate marketing online income strategy. Here your earning probability is much higher than in any other online business. You get the chance to promote other vendors’ products/services. These could be low/high commissioned products.

Whatever you promote, the basic technique is almost the same. Once you learn & understand the ins and outs; the overall science behind it, then you will be printing money all year round. This is the kind of earning pattern which you want for your family to seal a secure future.

Affiliate marketing could be done by many mediums.

  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Facebook marketing

Content Marketing:

Launch a website. Write articles targeting your affiliated product/service. On the article, set a call to action by placing your affiliate link and driving your traffic (website’s visitors) towards the affiliate link.

So, when they buy from that affiliate link; you get a commission from the vendor of the product.

This affiliation could be done through e-commerce sites like Amazon or digital publications of e-books & online courses like ClickBank.

You just need to decide, what type of traffic you want to promote. By the way, for your information, some fancy marketers like to call articles content. That’s how this is called Content Marketing.

Email Marketing:

It is also a successful internet business strategy but I’d say beginners should not start with it.

You will have to subscribe to email autoresponder companies like Aweber or Getresponse (in autoresponder you collect all your email lists and promote the affiliate product to your email list at once from this single platform). These subscriptions would cost you around $20-$30 per month or somewhere even more.

Either you will have to sign up for any landing page builder company which will cost you $100 per month or you have to host your website which could cost you around $250 a year (including premium themes). Wait… it doesn’t end here. You will need traffic right! In Email marketing, most professionals, buy the email list from those who already got profited with their email list (email addresses of real people). This is also expensive!!

But this is just one technique that I mentioned. There are many tricks to build an email list. Some are free, some are costly. Now, you must be thinking if this email marketing is so critical then why would anyone do it! Because an expert and experienced affiliate marketer earn $10,000 a month easily by this strategy. Some even earn $100,000 per month. 

Not joking…

It really happens!!! However, this level comes with years of knowledge and experience.

Facebook Marketing:

As we all use Facebook, so we are very familiar with its platform. Today, I don’t think anyone would say that he/she can’t create a Facebook Fan page.

So if you can open a fan page then you can run an online business with it as well. The strategy is simple.

  • Create a Facebook fan page.
  • Optimize the page according to the brand, what I mean is, if you want to promote Amazon products and your niche (a category which you want to promote) is about cool gadgets then design the fan page as if it’s a gadget shop.
  • You should consider inviting people to your fan page as much as possible.
  • Engage people with your page by posting new information about your affiliate products.
  • You should consider boosting your Facebook Fan page. It will build your brand’s exposure.

You can also check out this article on Affiliate Marketing Bangla tutorial for an in-depth explanation of affiliate marketing in Bangladesh.

Now, the last but not the least… My favorite…


10 Youtube and Facebook:

Yes, this is it. Over the years, I have found YouTube and Facebook comparatively Easy and the most Powerful marketing platform ever. You can do everything on YouTube.

YouTube AdSense:

In here,

  • You have to create a YouTube channel.
  • Optimize your channel (Design your channel with proper channel art & channel icon-> write up all the required descriptions & about section-> place an email address in the Business email section->set up some feature channels which resemble your channel).
  • Upload videos sequentially on your channel and make playlists for those videos.
  • Promote your videos on Social media. Like you can create a Facebook fan page for your youtube channel and boost the channel or sometimes boost some selected videos.

When your channel gets this kind of social signal then it starts to gain massive organic visitors. Again, you can also apply for YouTube Adsense for your channel (to get Adsense approval you need to match up their requirements first).

Therefore, you just need to learn how to make videos about your topic and you’ll be on your way to earning online.

 YouTube Affiliate Marketing:

Now, if you know how to create and optimize your youtube channel then you are just a few steps behind to establish a huge affiliate marketing business on youtube.

Believe me, if you can learn how to attract visitors with your videos then you could earn at least $1000 a month by affiliate marketing, easily.

And I have a beautiful guideline for it; fully Bengali instructions… You must check it out-



I would say, there will be many bd online income tips & strategies but I did not discuss all of them. Maybe in the future, I will write more elaborately for each section and will give you new ideas about “How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh” as I enjoy learning the latest tricks & tactics about internet marketing.


Learning from free resources is good but if you are a beginner then you should consider hiring a Mentor who will guide you toward your goal without any obstacles. Remember, “Free” resources are great hints for experts. But beginners can’t know which are right/legit and which are wrong/scam.

So, if you really want to earn online and you’re damn serious about it as if you were serious about your board exams; then you must hire a Mentor to establish an online business.

Research more.. Take action.. Grow bigger…

Best of luck with your Success…


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